The PHYTOHUMAT WORKS represent a groundbreaking synergy of technological advancement, pro-
ven expertise, sustainable thinking, and visionary innovation. With the invention of phytosynthesis tech-
nology, enabling the industrial production of ultra-pure artificial humic acid from plant residues –
Phytohumin. The PHYTOHUMAT WORKS offer a transformative, immediate solution to some of the
most pressing challenges of our time: the regeneration of degraded soils – our Mutterboden, the enhan-
cement of agricultural productivity, and a proactive contribution to climate protection.
The mission of the PHYTOHUMAT WORKS is to promote sustainable agriculture on healthy Mutter-
boden to feed humanity, reduce CO₂ levels, store carbon, and simultaneously strengthen the resilience
of plants and animals to climatic changes—ensuring the survival of humanity.
At the heart of this vision is phytosynthesis technology, which generates high-quality Phytohumic Acid
with an exceptional purity (>97%) from dry plant residues within just three days. This resource-efficient,
industrially scalable process actively reduces CO₂ levels while enabling millennial-scale carbon storage.
The purity, sustainability, and consistent quality of Phytohumic Acids fundamentally improve their appli-
cation compared to humic acids derived from lignite mining.
These Phytohumic Acids are further refined into Phytohumates and Phytohuminates for plant spraying
using the TXE-HUMIN-HUMATOR under GMP conditions. The entire production process, from green
waste to Phytohumate, reduces CO₂ and is therefore entirely sustainable.
The PHYTOHUMAT WORKS offer a versatile product portfolio tailored to the needs of modern, sustai-
nable agriculture and environmental regeneration. The portfolio includes Potassium-Phytohuminate, So-
dium-Phytohuminate, Ammonium-Phytohuminate, and, in the future, trace element Phytohumates such
as manganese, iron, and zinc compounds. Applications range from regenerative soil care to targeted
fertilization for sustainable yield improvement. The first production facility will open in Frankfurt in 2025,
serving as a model project for global expansion through regional and international partnerships as well
as licensing of the TXE-HUMIN-HUMATOR technology.
Potassium-Phytohuminate will be presented in January 2025 at the Green Week in Berlin and sub-
sequently undergo extensive application testing, certification, and active distribution from August 2025.
The Frankfurt/Bad Nauheim site marks the beginning of a comprehensive strategy encompassing the
establishment of additional PHYTOHUMAT production facilities, licensing, and joint development of new
applications and humate products.
Complementing production, the Mutterboden Phytohumin Institute, founded by Mike Kuhlmann in Bad Nauheim,
plays a central role. It advances research and development of phytosynthesis technology, humation, and new
applications while raising public awareness of the importance of mother soil as the foundation of all life.
In parallel, the BLOOM MOTHER EARTH initiative will be launched, developing regional and municipal
blueprints for sustainable soil regeneration and agriculture through projects such as “Bad Nauheim
Blooms,” “Frankfurt Blooms,” and the Mutterboden Soil&Soul Congress.
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